Saturday, February 19, 2011

The New Me

The New Me -
loves to read again.

Likes to shop - a little too much.

is leading a Bible study ( I know... right ?)

is becoming a little eccentric.

Loves monkey's in clothing pictures. ( see above )

Likes to work out ( as long as I dont forget my sports bra... otherwise dangerous. )

Doesnt wear my shirts quite as low cut .

Loves to cook every night ( but never gets around to it. )

thinks almonds are over rated.

Wants to write a love story.. or song.

will almost... a.l.m.o.s.t. look at herself in the mirror while getting out of the shower.

wore fake eyelashes once and now I am dying to do it again.

loves red dresses almost as much as black

wants to go on a cruise

sometimes wishes she could go away and pretend to be someone else- someone without expectations.

is driven but in a different way... driven to live not succeed.

believes that living is success.

still loves making memories.

The new me... is a lot like the old me ; only better and





