Tonight was the perfect ending to a crazy week. Instead of a Valentines party today we had a " Mommy and Me Tea" tonight. The children came in with moms, or grandmas and made cake in a mug. I found this on this site .
It was a lot of fun. They came in and we had a cooking station set up in the kitchen and they made it together. It was fun to watch the children interact with their parents.
These kids love their moms so much. The cool thing about family child care is that we are a real extension of that. When it is nap time all 16 kids lay down and you hear " I love you all over the house". I think that is they way most moms would want it.
What a wonderful idea! The memories you have inspired from this is priceless. I wish you had been my children's pre-school teacher. They would have been blessed.....
I'm sad that I missed it, but I know that Adam and grandma made some new memories together.
I think your students are blessed too!
wow! Great idea and great pictures! Yes, I agree with Dana. Your students are blessed to have you. :-)
Wow, Debbie, what a a wonderful idea. You are so gave up your evening for the kids and parents. I can tell from the pictures it was such a hit.
katie had lots of fun for sure - how cute that they all say "i love you" when they lay down for the nap - i love that! and I was there with Adam and grandma - he was very cute with her - they had lots of fun too!
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