Tuesday, September 30, 2008
School and Life
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Anybody Got a Kleenex ?
What an emotional roller coaster day!
I am cruising along through the day and all is going well. We are getting ready to use shaving cream and mix blue and red food coloring to make purple.
One of my parents stops by. SCREECHING HALT.
One of our little ones went camping over the weekend and was anticipating having a great time. Mom was so excited to tell me about the suppers she had fixed in foil for grilling. It made me want to grab a tent and head for a state park. ( Well, not really. Maybe head to a Embassy Suites and drive to a park to have a picnic! ) Anyway, during their well planned weekend get away the little girl ( three ) stumbled over the fire ring and into the camp fire. She had really bad burns ( third degree maybe ) on her hands, knees and tummy. At this point you say a little prayer for it not being worse. Anyway, she has been to the Tulsa Burn Center and today had surgery. They did skin grafts on her little body. I already had her on my mind all morning.
Mom and Dad bring her by on their way home . Mainly they wanted to let her big brother who was here see her and hug him themselves. I went out to see her too. As we talked to her and about her she held up her little hands all bandaged up and looked at me with those huge eyes and said " hurt". Yep, that was the end of my tough girl act. As I leave and go back in to continue the color mixing experiment I am choking back tears. I explained to the other children why I was sad... we went on with Ms Debbie and tears streaming down her face.
Just as I thought I had pulled myself together, my son , Addam rang in on video chat. I have his baby girl Geneviette ( 3) here for the day. So, I take her in the livingroom and lay the lap top in the floor so they could see each other and talk. For over an hour she sat there. He entertained her. She flipped her hair. He showed her the puppy and she told him she is potty trained now. He told her she was beautiful and she told him about the sheep she saw at the fair with clothes on. Ok... one might think this is a happy occasion. And it is... but seeing it made me cry again. Life isnt fair. I will be glad when Addam is out of the Army so he can be here with Geneviette.
After all this.. Randy and I are talking about how great technology is. Randy has a son that was killed in a car accident in 2001 about two months after I met him. Randy said he vividly remembers talking to Scott on the phone for hours when Scott moved to Georgia with his mom. I bet he wished they had video conferencing then.
Then..I hear Randy in the kitchen. Guess it all got to him too.
What a day.
The picture is of Geneviette talking to her dad. I didnt need a picture, I will never forget it.
The video is one the kids made yesterday for Clara.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
DAP - Let's bridge the gap!
Ok... Now I understand there comes a time when a child has to conform. I am not even really that upset with this teacher. I am sure she is under pressure from state standards and 1st grade teachers to get each child to a certain point.
I remember vividly two years ago taking my preschoolers for their tour of the kindergarten in May. As we arrived we were greeted by the new and very nice counselor. He first separated the boys and the girls and told them to get in two lines. ( We don't separate by gender and we don't stand in lines. ) Then came the famous hang ten ( with the fingers ) and put a " bubble in your mouth." What? " Ms Debbie, he wants us to put a bubble in our mouth. You have spent 9 months asking us open ended questions and building our confidence so we will hold intelligent conversations and now he wants us to shut up?" Ok, no one said that, but I know they wanted to. Then we go in the hallway and enter various rooms. We go in the music room. What? We don't do music all day? We don't sing as we put our dishes away or clean up our toys? And.. why aren't the children that are singing smiling and dancing? Wait ! There is my buddy from last year. He is a year older than I am so he went to big school. Aww... He didn't even stop to talk to me. He walked in a line like a robot and had that darn bubble in his mouth. whoa.....
Why is everyone under such pressure to perform?
Why does everyone want our children to grow up so fast?
Why are the same children that leave me at 5 treated differently 2 months later? Do the rules for DAP change with the setting?
Just in case you wondered here is a good description of DAP.
Children are encouraged to learn through activities that are appropriate to their ages and individual stages of development. Kids can usually choose among several activities and can play alone or in small groups, while the whole group often comes together for songs, stories, or other "circle time" activities. Rote learning, worksheets, and early reading are not part of the program (although many reading readiness skills may be learned informally).
Today, kindergartens have become more academic and less just an introduction to the classroom. As a result, many developmental preschools feel parental pressure to "prep" children, and some have added more structured academics for pre-kindergarteners.
I dont know what to say when parents call. I know in my heart I am doing my job exactly the way it should be done but the school system makes me look and feel inadequate. My kids are exactly where they need to be if not ahead. But they leave me happy, accepted, confident and curious.
Well, until someone sits them down for hours, throws papers in front of them and tells them to color in the lines.
Don't ask me to color your green frog. Give me a piece of paper and I will draw one and color it in for you.
Frustrated.... Should I start popping the flash cards and stuffing the cubby with all those worksheets?
Atleast then... people would know I didn't something all day besides play.
Brown Bear , Brown Bear- What do you See?
Lyrics Adapted by Tim Christenbury
We will have tons of fun this week with colors !
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Mask
Monday, September 8, 2008
Circle Walnut
The kids wanted to see what was in it. Randy cracked it open . His hands will be yellow for a week. YUK!
Now- on a personal note. Ever feel like you go in circles all day? I spent the weekend getting groceries and cleaning house. As soon as I got one area clean another area was messy? How is that when Randy and I are the only ones here?
Friday, September 5, 2008

Geneviette got to come hang out in preschool today. I had a little one gone and seized the opportunity to have her with me. It takes a little more energy but it is well worth it. Sometimes it makes me sad that I am having such a great time with all the other little short guys and my own granddaughter is watching TV and playing by herself. She will be old enough to be here all the time next year and I hope that works out.
Funny Breakfast
Ms Debbie: Milk, fruit and english muffins.
Elliot: Do they TALK?
Ms Debbie: No, why do you ask?
Elliot: Because you said ENGLISH MUFFINS, I thought they speak english.....
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Just thoughts
Here is a piece of my randomness for the day/ weekend.
1. I thought JBU kids sign a covenant saying they wont drink. Interesting. Seem they are just like all the U of A college kids I know - and yes, I am including my own daughter in that.
2. One of our servers from the wedding reception asked Danielle to dance and when she would be back in Texas I had watched him watch her all night. He didnt even try to be sly about it. Geez... when did those kind of compliments stop happening for me. Can we have a replay please?
3. Some three year olds are not ready for scissors yet. I DID get them away before the haircut commenced.
4. Randy really missed me while I was gone.
5. When you shop in Ross for two hours if someone hits your car and damages it - too bad.
6. I hope it rains tonight.
7. Randy is doing really well on his diet, I better get busy. flash forward to the wedding in December. " which one is your mom , Danielle?" Oh.. the one that is so fat she looks like a chinese when she smiles..." ugh.
OK, I have let the kids sleep an extra 12 minutes, so I better get them up now and then out the door for me by three.
When is the next three day weekend?