I spent the day helping Danielle get ready for the packers to come move her things to Hawaii. We had things here and in the storage that all had to be moved to Justin's mothers house where the moving company will arrive at 9 am in the morning. In addition to that, she still had a couple large items to buy to be shipped.
Danielle had the cutest zebra print chaise lounge in her apartment. Justin said he couldnt think of one place in his house that it would work. He hated it. Today we drove to Fort Smith to get her a new brown one. It was a great deal, so it was worth the drive. As we drove down the snow was falling. On our way home the hill sides were covered with snow and quite beautiful. I had to be a little nostalgic and realize that this was probably my last road trip with Danielle before both of our lives change. Oh , I know. Danielle left for college two years ago. But while she was there, I was her " got your back person" Parking tickets? Yep, I pay them. New dress for a pageant or a function, I was there. Distress call in the middle of the night about a boy - that was me. After this move, she will have a new " got your back person".
As we pulled into Springdale Danielle's phone rang. She had called a lady about a queen size bed she wanted and the lady returned her call to say her original sale fell through and Danielle could have it if she wanted. We drove on over with the chaise lounge in the back of the truck , covered ( sort of ) with a tarp. We spent about 20 finger numbing minutes trying to figure out how to get the mattress and box springs on the truck without fear of it blowing off . I warned her that if it did fly off in the middle of 412 we would NOT stop to get it.
We drive 45 miles per hour to Siloam. We made it.
During the drive I remember more about Danielle's last few years at home. When she gets tired she gets a little grumpy. She wrecked a rental car a couple months ago and then her car less than two weeks ago. All accidents.. that seem to just find her. It is like she has a " do it to me, it drives my mom crazy " type of radar on her.
Today has been a very busy and somewhat stressful day. I would have much rather been putting up my Christmas decorations or just resting.... I am frozen to the bone. My big hair is a huge mess of snow and hairspray.
I love my little girl more than anything. I would do anything for her. I will miss her immensely when she has actually moved to Hawaii. But for this very moment..... can I just say-
On Dasher , On Dancer.... get that stuff packed and get Danielle off to Hawaii. Her new zebra hating " got our back man" is ready to take over for me. And for once, I can honestly say, I am ready to let that happen, with a smile on my face! :)