Katie's dad made me laugh this morning.
Katie's dad: Debbie , I need to talk to you about something ( I think that is what he said)
Debbie : Yes?
Katie's Dad : Last night Katie asked me what Ms Debbie's last name was and we told her Mays.
She looked puzzled. We asked her why? She said she didnt know and shrugged her shoulders Then we said, What is Mr Randy's last name? Katies reply : " Dear.... Randy Dear..."
So, through the day I may say dear to Randy a few times. ( Not that we are ALL THAT SWEET, I just keep the not so sweet things to myself :)
But, a few years ago the kids loved a story that I told about a squirrel family. The dad was out looking for the perfect Christmas tree and each time he left looking she would call him " Sammy oh Sammy Dear" and back he would run . I bet I told that story 1000 times. Somehow, one day we decided that when we are ready to do something and Randy is someplace else ( most likely the kitchen) we all call " Randy, Oh Randy Dear, it is time to. ...... " Over the years this has stuck and the kids still do it.
I find it hilarious that I haven't told that story in two years therefore when we call that-" Randy, Oh Randy Dear" Katie and probably many of the other kids think that is Randy's name - Randy Dear. :)
Makes sense to me!
1 comment:
Hahaha!! Kids are so precious!
I've asked kids in Sunday School before what their mom's name is. Most of the toddlers will just say, "Mommy." One little girl said, "my momma is momma or honey."
So sweet!
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