Thanksgiving Memories...
Tonight after getting in from choir ( which by the way was missing one of our lead sopranos...we were weak. Come back Dana! ) I decided that since I am cooking for 45 or so people on Wednesday as a Thanksgiving Feast with my little guys I better get busy. There is something about a huge pot of celery and onion cooking that brings back memories of Thanksgiving past.
My very first Thanksgiving away from home I lived in Witchita Falls Texas in an apartment. A friend also newly married and I decided we would cook our meal together and invite some of the guys from base over that couldn't make it home. We were PUMPED. We thawed out the turkey and cooked it. Yes... we missed an important step. Did you know there is all kinds of stuff inside the turkey? Seriously, why hide it in there? AND, how did I miss 18 years of my mother pulling it all out? And.. what is it???????

Then there was another Thanksgiving that we lived in Michigan. I had gotten my grandmothers huge formal dining room suit. Back in the day my grandmother LOVED paint. If it stood still, she painted it. Well, I wanted to refinish it down to the natural wood. I started stripping it --- in the dining room. A few weeks later it was time for Thanksgiving and we again had company coming. The chairs were sticky and I just covered the top with a table cloth. Maybe stripping a dining room suit indoors in Michigan when there is a foot of snow on the ground right before a holiday isnt a great idea.
This Thanksgiving will be just Randy, Danielle , Mom and Dad and I. I buy turkey breast now, so I dont have to worry about the stuff inside the turkey. I gave up on that refinishing project years ago. But I am SO thankful for the memories...even the ones we will make this week. There have been times this year that I wasnt sure my mother would be with us this year. So Thank you Lord for memories - Old ones and New ones.......
Great post. I am cooking my first turkey this year. I have done turkey breast before, but never the whole freakin bird. Wish me luck!
I've been called a lot of things, but this is a first for "lead soprano."
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