Sunday, August 31, 2008
Road Trip --- treadmill???!!!!!!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
One reason I like my job
Little Girl at the table : I farted
Ms Debbie : That doesn't sound nice, just say excuse me.
Little Boy : My daddy farts really loud because he is so TALL.
( Ms Debbie just laughs on the inside and decides to walk away.)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
3 D Art
Can you glue it ? Do you tape it? What about modeling clay? Today we took all our junk and created " stuff". I think it got the energy for making sculptures from " junk" in high gear. Some of the children sat at the table for an hour. They made some pretty creative stuff. All our 3 D Art is displayed on the shelf above the block center.

Another COOL creation ( I helped on this one. I showed them how sometimes you can't glue it, it has to be taped. )
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Chickens or Children

The children are finally laying down and I can begin to process some information that I received this morning that is really disturbing me. The NWA Times reported this morning about a classroom in Fayetteville , AR basically having a cock fight every day - only instead of chickens they used children. Can you even believe that? This is what the article said.
FAYETTEVILLE : 2 accused of setting up church day-care fights
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2008
FAYETTEVILLE — Two teachers lost their jobs at the Central United Methodist Church day care after state and local officials started investigating reports that preschoolers were being made to fight.
Fayetteville police Sgt. John Warren said the investigation was launched Thursday after a parent reported teachers forcing 3- and 4-year-old students to fight during “circle time.”
The kids had to fight while the rest of the class watched, and the teachers told them not to tell their parents, Warren said.
“Some parents said their children were bruised during the fights, and we’re in the process of setting up interviews with at least some of the 18 kids [in the class ]” he said. “It’s going to take a while to sort it all out.”
The teachers could face charges of endangering the welfare of minors if the allegations are true, Warren said.
Officials declined to release the teachers’ names.
Julie Munsell, spokesman for the state Department of Human Services, said the fighting is said to have involved punching, kicking and pushing as part of “a game,” and that the department is investigating under terms of the church’s child-care license.
“The [church ] has already taken corrective action by terminating the teachers, but we’ll need to determine whether management knew about the alleged activity or whether it was isolated to the staff,” Munsell said.
Church administrator Brian Swain said the two teachers were “no longer employed” as of Friday and that the church is reaching out to families to help in any way it can.
“We’re communicating with parents and trying very hard to earn their trust back,” Swain said. “No one wants to sweep anything under the rug, for sure. We feel like we’ve resolved the main problem, but we’ll continue to reach out to parents and provide them any help or counseling or whatever they need.”
He said church officials don’t know why the teachers, who worked with students who attended the center every day, may have acted the way they did.
“That’s the big question,” he said. “The kids told one story, while the teachers told another, but ultimately the investigation will have to determine that.”
The church’s day-care center has been in operation for 30 years, he said. Last week, the center moved to a new facility next to the church, but the investigation put a blemish on the move, he said.
The church in looking at other measures, such as more training for teachers and installing cameras in the classrooms.
Munsell said if the teachers want to work in child care in Arkansas again, they’ll have to comply with corrective action decided on by the Human Services Department.
Two teachers lost their jobs? Seriously? Don't we put people in jail for cock fights? And.. these two teachers lost their job? Perhaps we should put them in a ring and let them fight it out. I am sure all the parents would gather around to watch and cheer them on.
How does a person / teacher decide , I think we will let the children fight until someone cries?
The grandson of a friend of mine went to this classroom. She is a childcare professional and talked to him this morning. I thought her question was head on and the little boys answer makes me sad. grandson told me all about it and about how he always won. I asked him if it made him sad when the other child cried and he said Ms. ____ told him it was okay that's how you play the game. Dhs interviewed the class individually and they all told the same story.....
So sad. I dont even know how to address this. SURELY things like this dont happen often. Then we wonder why parents dont trust...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mrs. Wishy Washy

Since we are a quality accredited preschool we have certain guidelines that we meet over and above the norm. One area that is stressed is HANDWASHING. We wash our hands when we come in, we wash our hands before and after we play in the water, we wash our hands after we use the restroom , we wash our hands before and after playing in the moon sand. We wash our hands any time we come in from outside. We wash our hands if we sneeze or PICK OUR
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Singing in Church
Saturday, August 23, 2008
It seems like yesterday
Friday, August 22, 2008
" Ms Debbie, you look tired"
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What is "good " care for preschoolers?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
First Day of Preschool
Today we spent a lot of time just getting to know each other and exploring all the materials that we have available. It was funny to hear the veterans saying -" Yes, you can use scissors, Ms Debbie leaves them out all the time." or " did you hear the bell, that means we clean up and we can go sing." My little guys from last year are my leaders this year. I smile as I say that realizing that is the goal of preschool - to create independent, confident short people ready to conquer the world and be successful in school. What creates confidence in children? Glad you asked. Acceptance! Show them you love them , that they are not just fixtures in your room. Be interested in what they say and do. Build Success- Dont set a child up for failure! Give them tasks that are age appropriate and allow them to be successful. Example: I dont expect a 3 year old to sit and watch me throw flashcards at lightening speed to name things like A is for Apple. Why do that when that 3 year old would rather cut the apple and eat it, or paint with it or toss it? As she is doing something more appropriate , I can talk to her in conversation that the word Apple starts with A.. maybe. Set Routines. Children love knowing what to expect. Have you ever said " I can do anything as long as I know what to expect."? Kids are the same way. They thrive on routine. Today was a classic example of that as my returning children dropped right back into our old schedule like it was yesterday. Routines make children feel safe.
Ok, I will jump off my soap box for now and share with you how we learned today.
We played Dress up.
Our back to school theme is " Dive into preschool". These is a large basket of shells. The children used a magnifying glass to explore them. As children wandered to the basket we talking about large and small, smooth and course. We sorted. One little boy said he found one shaped like a tornado. We counted.
I can only hope tomorrow will be as good as today. Of course, most of our days turn out to be exactly what we expect them to be!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Open House
All that is missing is the children. There are other areas that I didnt upload - like the water table and the music center. I will add those another time. So, tomorrow will be here before I know it. I better get in bed so I will be ready to run. Oh... did I mention how excited I am? !!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Front Porches The Day Before THEY come back!
Monday, August 11, 2008
I wanna be like Ms Mary !
Saturday, August 9, 2008
This time last year
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Silver Dollar City
1. If you bring a bag to carry small things - remember the key should be small. The bag will get heavier as the day rolls on.
2. Rent a stroller. ( That was the BEST idea we had all day. ) Make sure the bag you bring has long enough handles to hang on the stroller.
3. If you RUSH to get to the first train ride. Make sure your hubby goes TT BEFORE getting in line. If not, you may miss that ride.
4. When taking a 2 year old through a cool toy store , before leaving check her stroller for stolen objects. YIKES!
5. Bring an umbrella if the rain chances are "scattered showers" that may be translated into Torential down pours! ( Not good for a girl with BIG hair and LOTS of hairspray!)
6. If you are sitting in a show and your grand daughter is sitting on your lap and you feel a warm sensation running down your legs. Be scared. ( Also, Great thing you packed HER three outfits and you none.)
7. Make sure you look at the calendar and come on a day when all the kiddie rides, the magician AND the animals are ALL there and working.
8. If you just started a diet AGAIN. maybe you should SKIP THE CANDY FACTORY!
9. But above all make sure your child or BEAUTIFUL grand child has a great time and feels like a princess and her smile will make it all worthwhile.