Today we talked about 3 D art. It doesn't matter if you have all the materials in the world for children it to create with, if they don't know what to do with them- they are just materials in a closet. We have many art materials such as watercolors, paints, markers, glue, scissors but we also have what we call " beautiful junk." Children have to use creativity and a little different thinking process to be able to make a stick stand up in an ice cream dish .
Can you glue it ? Do you tape it? What about modeling clay? Today we took all our junk and created " stuff". I think it got the energy for making sculptures from " junk" in high gear. Some of the children sat at the table for an hour. They made some pretty creative stuff. All our 3 D Art is displayed on the shelf above the block center.

Hmm... what do we do with all this STUFF???


A peek inside our JUNK barrel

Another COOL creation ( I helped on this one. I showed them how sometimes you can't glue it, it has to be taped. )

LOOK! It's a DUSTER... wonder if he will do my livingroom?

And if all else fails, 3 D Art is definately 3 D if it protrudes from the body, right?
I want to make 3D art during work! I showed the blog and pic to my office mates. We all had guesses of what Adam was making. When I got home I asked him. Apparently he was trying to be an ant!
Isn't that hilarious!!! Randy and I just went to a training that included 3D art, I sent it to the trainer to add to her collection , :)
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