After a half day training I was able to tie up loose ends to get ready for open house tonight. I am SUPER excited. Our Open House went well. We have 10 children returning and two of the new children are siblings from former families , so all indicators point to a wonderful year for Bright Beginnings. It was so heart warming to see the kids come in totally relaxed in a home setting that they know they are loved in - Their " home away from home". It was great to hear the parents talking saying how comfortable there were here. One thing in particular just touched my heart. This is the time of year that many kids get updated shot records. One of our little ones went today . His mom said she carried him into the office kicking and screaming. She said as soon as Adam got his immunization he looked at her and said " Can I go back to Debbie and Randy's now?" That just melted me. ( I mean, I am an emotional mess right now from exhaustion, it wouldnt take much for me to have a small breakdown.) I dont think I would get a shot to hang out with me. Thanks Adam for making me feel like I might be a little like " Miss Mary." Anywho--- I wanted to share some pictures of our playspace and thought tonight might be a good time!

This is the view off the side of my porch looking into the play area. There is still another white picket fence area around the whole house. The children are allowed to run and play in the grassy area. Many days children can be caught under that arbor reading to each other and telling secrets. Beyond the white fence area you see is out main play area.

This is another view of the play area. The green building is a play house. I love this time of year when the trees create a canopy over the play area.

This is looking inside one of my play rooms. You can see my science center and my writing center. You can see my alone space - the open block. During circle time ( 10 minutes ) we pull the alone space to the side and the children sit on the carpet.

This is our cozy chair for reading and cuddling.

This is a magnetic board I made from an old picture. I use it for my magnetic stories.

This is a view inside my living room , which the children go into as well. Not as often but it isnt off limits.

This is my front porch.

This is a view inside my dramatic play center. We have one whole room that is nothing but imaginative play.

Another view.

And, another.

Science Center

Writing Center

View across downstairs playroom. You can see a loft with an art center under it.

Cubbies ! See the little visitor peeking out? Each child had one waiting on them at open house.

Parent Center and ABC center.

Art Center

All that is missing is the children. There are other areas that I didnt upload - like the water table and the music center. I will add those another time. So, tomorrow will be here before I know it. I better get in bed so I will be ready to run. Oh... did I mention how excited I am? !!
We loved the open house, thanks for having us.
Hope you are having a fantastic first day.
What no blog for me to follow!? :)
Adam was a joy today. Check our " myspace " for all the details and great pics!
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